As with our workouts, we have grouped our individual exercises to allow you to choose exactly what you would like to do. As you gain strength and flexibility, you can add weights, increase the number of sets or repetitions, or move on to more challenging exercises. 

If you need help creating a exercise plan that's right for you or would like personal training sessions, take a look at what we offer and contact us!

Beginner Push-ups, Standing
Chest and Shoulders, Lying Down
Biceps and Triceps, Lying Down
Cardio Combination #1 Lying Down
Cardio Combination #1 Sitting
Stretching Combination #1 Sitting
Standing Stretching Combination #1
Standing Leg Stretches
Hamstrings lying down

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Exercise Guide

Before you begin our individual exercises and workouts, please read this guide, so that you will get the most out of our program.

Exercise Types

You’ve probably heard terms such as anaerobic, aerobic, cardio, strengthening, interval training, and possibly slow-twitch muscle fibers and fast-twitch muscle fibers. This all sounds complicated, but in reality, for most of us, it is sufficient to classify exercises into two broad (and overlapping) categories: strengthening and cardio (cardiovascular activity).

Walking (more) Normally

Odds are that you, like me, have days where your legs (and body) simply will not cooperate. Your feet feel stuck to the ground, your knees won't bend, and your legs just won't move. You worry that you'll fall. You visualize yourself getting stuck and needing assistance to get home. What can we do when that happens? Well, rather than staying home and doing nothing, we have to rethink how we approach walking. It's up to us to figure out ways to continue moving. 

What do I do? Well, here are four things: